Discover the Soulful Voice of Arnold McCuller
Witness the Magic of Music
Join Arnold McCuller on a journey through his illustrious career in music and his inspiring work in recovery. Explore his latest tracks, videos, and the transformative VocalEase 4U app.
What People Are Saying About Vocalese
“Arnold, in addition to being a great teacher, is one of the best singers I’ve ever heard. I can’t recommend this method highly enough!”
Linda Rondstadt
“Arnold’s VocalEase app has made a huge difference in my singing for the last few years. It has improved my range and control – and my overall strength.”
Jackson Browne
“Arnold McCuller is more than a great singer and teacher. He has created and curated the most incredible thing that a singer could ask for; a teacher that fits in your phone.”
J.D. Souther
“I highly recommend VOCALESE if you need to clear up a fragile voice. It was extremely helpful to me.”
Brenda Russell
VocalEase 4U is a vocal coach and warm up app designed to build strong breath support and vocal chord health.
VocalEase 4U available on Apple iOS and Google Play
“Arnold McCuller is more than a great singer and teacher. He has created and curated the most incredible thing that a singer could ask for; a teacher that fits in your phone.”
Don Was
Video Gallery
“If James Taylor and Phil Collins picked up any extra soulfulness in recent years, they probably got it from Arnold McCuller.”
Discover Arnold McCuller's Recovery Journey
I’m Arnold McCuller, and I would like to reintroduce myself as a musician and performer for the last five decades who is transitioning into a certified Interventionist and Recovery Coach. While on tour for the past two years, I’ve been working on getting the education required to help people with substance abuse and mental health issues, families, and industry professionals with all aspects of recovery.