
Singer Arnold McCuller standing against a wall with angel wing mural

I’m Arnold McCuller, and I would like to reintroduce myself as a musician and performer for the last five decades who is transitioning into a certified  Interventionist and Recovery Coach. While on tour for the past two years, I’ve been working on getting the education required to help people with substance abuse and mental health issues, families, and industry professionals with all aspects of recovery.

On many occasions over the years, I’ve witnessed the effects of substance abuse and mental health issues while touring. Fortunately I have sustained long term recovery which has saved my life. I managed to maintain  a successful career, although many of my colleagues were not so fortunate. 

My love of making music and sending it out to the masses will never die; it is helping me transition into serving those that need help recovering. Suppose you’re a singer, band member, lighting designer, audio engineer, or anyone suffering from the grips of addiction’s disease. I am here to assist you and your family on your journey to recovery. If there’s anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to contact me

Love and Light,

Arnold is proud to be a board member at The Taylor Made Retreat, a supportive, educational recovery program in a loving family style environment and is not a substitute for psychotherapy, medical or clinical treatment.

Arnold is proud to be one of seven Directors dedicated to the mission of Recovery and Music in Harmony

Harmonium is a group of music fans who choose to remain clean and sober at music festivals. We are not affiliated with AA, NA nor any musical act. We have no opinion on the issue of drugs or alcohol and neither condemn nor condone it. Our simple purpose is to provide support and information to those who seek the comfort and camaraderie of other clean and sober people at festivals. The only requirement is a desire to stay drug and alcohol free at festivals. Though we consist mostly of people in recovery from alcoholism and addiction, Harmonium exists for anyone wishing to stay clean, sober and those seeking serenity and fellowship at festivals.

Need to talk?  If you need someone to talk with, that’s why we’re here.

In distress? We care, so relax. We’re compassionate people who can provide support in a non-judgmental and confidential manner.

Want connection? So do we. All of our people have experienced a broad range of struggles of their own and are willing to be open about them with you.